JANE'S WALK Fundraiser Supper 2020

Our fundraiser supper funds approximately 2/3rds of the total cost of hosting our Jane's Walk festival. It is vitally important to the festival, but also, and equally importantly, a special night in its own right...
Please make up a table and come along and support!
Friday April 3rd, 7pm, Firstsite
An evening of good company and conversation, glorious food - a Syrian buffet banquet by White Gardenia - and great entertainment, with guest speaker local artist Charles Debenham
Tickets £23
Book your tickets here now!
The event is all in the excellent cause of raising funds to support this year's Jane's Walk Colchester festival weekend (May 1st-11th 2020). This is the 10th year that Colchester has hosted this by now much-loved festival. Proceeds from the evening will support all publicity expenses and related weekend events (films and talks), allowing the festival to continue to be enjoyed entirely free, as originally conceived, by all participants...
The price of your ticket includes all food and entertainment. In addition, there will be a paying bar, also serving coffee/tea, available throughout the evening.
Our guest speaker is artist Charles Debenham, who invites us, he says, on 'a misguided tour of town'; a virtual walk around the streets of Colchester via the medium of his paintings.
Debenham will already be well-known to many: born and bred in Colchester, he has been painting the town, in wet weather and fair, over the course of his long life, always lived locally. His paintings observe and celebrate the ordinary; the working side of streets and buildings, in their real, non-idealised aspects, and the people who inhabit and go about their business within them. At a glance, his body of work evokes the immediate, unmistakable character of the town; individually, his paintings are to be enjoyed over and over, in all of their intimate detail, and none more so than by the people who also know and love this town well.
For a glimpse of Debenham's work taken from his exhibition at Chappel Galleries in 2019, see here: http://www.chappelgalleries.co.uk/exhibitions-11/charles-debenham/charles-debenham.htm
Food by White Gardenia!
Your food for the evening - a glorious vegan/vegetarian buffet-style banquet of traditional Syrian food by local company White Gardenia, who are generously supporting the event (please note: we will do our best to meet any dietary requirement, please just be in touch early to discuss).
Find White Gardenia on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/White-Gardenia-904087589794570/
Celebrating Jane's Walk Colchester across our former 10 years - the UK's No. 1 Jane's Walk town!
"Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because,
and only when, they are created by everybody" Jane Jacobs