Information, Resources and Support
Welcome walk leaders - returning, new and curious!
This page provides various resources - which we'll add to over time - that might be of use to: walk leaders planning walks or seeking practical advice etc, would-be walk leaders looking to find out more, and those involved in the organisation of the festival.
"Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because,and only when, they are created by everybody" Jane Jacobs
Some practical guidance for the day/walk itself
Jane's Walk leaders talk walk leading (for newcomers)
Jane's Walk encourages everyone to tap the kind of 'lay expertise' we all have and can draw upon in putting together and hosting a walk.
These intervews introduce you to two walk leaders talking about their experience of walk leading (two very different kinds of walk) for the first time.
Some background infomation about Jane Jacobs
Ideally, everybody should know a little bit about Jane Jacobs, the woman whose life, work and ideas inspired the festival. This way you can introduce her - at least briefly - on your walk, and answer the odd question from curious walk participants. Here are some useful links and notes you might like to have a read through...

Vital Little Plans (Review)
Why the ideas of Jane Jacobs are still vital.
Chris Hall 2017
[The Guardian Online]
"You've got to get out and walk!" Jane Jacobs
To register your walk, please download the form below (link) and fill out the following few questions (10 minutes max!).
If in doubt, complete what you can and get back to us with the rest, or be intouch to discuss: